Relief from disease: Effect and remedy of planets -Health Astrology

Health astrology Sometimes we have to face such diseases in life which do not have any special improvement in health even after being treated. We take medicines, get treatment, but despite its body improvement appears less. When the planets in the horoscope have the opposite effect on the body and health, those diseases surround the body, due to which physical pain increases. In such a situation, the question arises that why are these diseases happening and how long will it be cured? Is there any solution to get rid of these diseases?

Planets have an impact on health:

If your horoscope has the effect of sin planets on the lagna and lagna, such as Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, then the body and health have a negative effect. When these planets invade the lagna and lagna or are in the sixth and eighth house, diseases can surround the body. Due to this, physical pain increases and life becomes cumbersome. At the same time, if the lagna and lagna are affected by auspicious planets, such as Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon, then the body remains healthy and diseases can be cured quickly.

Sometimes we do not see improvement despite taking care of our body. This situation can be understood from the astrological point of view.

When Ascendant and Lagnesh come under the influence of inauspicious planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or if these planets sit in the sixth and eighth house, the disease can dominate the body. In such a situation, despite treatment, physical pain remains continuously. However, when Ascendant and Lagnesh are affected by good planets, the health starts to improve.

Possibility of improvement in health:

When the effect of auspicious planets increases, then the condition of the body is better. Planets like Jupiter and Venus have a positive effect on health. Additionally, the good effect of Moon and Mercury is also beneficial in health. If the effect of these planets is in the right place in the person’s horoscope, then the disease can get relief. But if the effect of planets is inauspicious, this problem may increase.

Understand some examples:

1. Taurus Ascendant:

Taurus is Venus in the lagna. When Venus sits in the sixth house and becomes an inauspicious approach of Saturn and Rahu, health may face problems. Physical pain may increase in this situation. But if auspicious planets have an effect on the lagna and Venus is strong in its zodiac, then taking astrological measures can improve health.

2. Leo Ascendant:

Leo ascendant is the Sun Lagnesh, which owns the body and health. If the Sun sits in the 12th house with Saturn and Rahu, then this situation is not favorable for health. But if the Guru’s influence is on the lagna or the Guru is strong, then health can improve. The effect of auspicious planets in this situation improves health.

3. Pisces Ascendant:

Pisces lagna contains Guru Lagnesh, and the Sun is the lord of the sixth house. When both Guru and Sun become weak by sitting in the sixth house, health is affected. In this situation, the disease can be difficult to cure. But if other auspicious planets are supported, then the situation can improve.

Remedy for relief from disease:

To get rid of the disease, you have to study your horoscope deeply. These remedies vary depending on the auspicious and inauspicious effects of the planets. You should try to fix your health through astrological measures. For example, follow the condition of the planets, worship the planets, adopt special measures and follow lifeline measures.

Some ways to improve health:

  1. Worshiping planets and using instruments: If the planets have inauspicious effects, then worship those planets. The use of their instruments can also be beneficial.
  2. Regular intake of medicines: For the treatment of diseases, consume medicines regularly and seek a doctor’s advice.
  3. Spiritual Remedy: Chanting mantras, meditation and practice can also improve health.
  4. healthy lifestyle: Physical exercise, right diet and adequate sleep also help improve health.

The path of freedom from disease depends on the position of the planets, astrological measures and lifestyle. If the planets have an inauspicious effect on your body, then appropriate measures can be taken to improve it. But if auspicious planets have an effect, then health can improve quickly. In this situation, the importance of meditation and measures increases, so that the body remains healthy and strong.

If you have been troubled by health problems for a long time, then get your horoscope analyzed and improve health by adopting appropriate astrological measures.

Summary: The effects of planets have a huge impact on health. If the planets have auspicious effects, then it is possible to get rid of diseases. The body can be healthy with remedies and right guidance.

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