Delhi Police has arrested five people allegedly involved in the theft of a truck carrying 430 bags of betel nut worth Rs 60 lakh. An official gave this information on Saturday.
A senior police officer said that complainant Rahul Verma lodged an FIR at Narela police station, after which a police team was formed to trace the accused.
According to the official, the team conducted raids in Khedi Aasra, Jhajjar and Brahmapuri in Delhi. He said that on January 8, 109 bags of betel nut weighing 7,630 kg were seized from two suspects, Harsh (24) and Ankit (24) and the accused were arrested.
In the raid conducted on January 10, three persons, Amit Kumar (44), Sunil Kumar (51) and Mohammad Kallu Qureshi (56), recovered 38 sacks of betel nut weighing 4,800 kg and were arrested, the official said.