National Vision Board Day: Make a goal to achieve success in the whole year in the second week of the year itself.

National Vision Board Day is celebrated every year on the second Saturday of January and this year it is today i.e. on 12th January. The purpose of celebrating this day is to encourage us to set our goals clearly. Vision Board Day strives to help us re-imagine and achieve goals in every area of ​​life by visualizing them effectively in life. It is based on “seeing is believing” in the sense that if we can imagine something – we can picture it.
History of this day
National Vision Board Day was started in June 2015 by Kellan Lutz and Ryan Daly. thereby motivating people to take action by helping them visually set their goals. On this day, an effort is made to inspire people to bring to life the life they have always dreamed of with the help of a vision board. It is based on the “Law of Attraction” – the principle that what you focus on is what you attract into your life.
National Vision Board Day works by setting one small goal after another, and is used for goal setting as it relates to all areas of life including relationships, business, art, travel, and career. This is also called a dream board and is often created using stationery and different forms of media so that they are interesting and creative. Magazine pictures and photos help reduce desires through the power of choice.
After starting as a big goal-setting party with Kellan and Ryan and their friends in June 2015, the holiday was made official and celebrated annually on the second Saturday of January. The founders of the holiday noted that the day was started because they wanted to create a pictorial representation of their goals on a board and hang it on the wall. They believe that being reminded of those goals daily will ensure that they stay on the right track in making decisions to make them a reality.
Know how to celebrate Vision Board Day
Organize a vision party for your friends, family or colleagues on this occasion. Set goals for the coming year and keep them somewhere you can see them. They will help motivate you to achieve your goals. Do you have last year’s vision board? How well did it work? Share the results and get ready to have a great vision board for this year too.

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