Virat Kohli returned to Mumbai from Alibaug on Tuesday morning, a day after Anushka Sharma came back. The cricketer was spotted by the paparazzi at the Gateway Of India, from where jetties commute to Alibaug. As he deboarded his jetty, he walked back to his car.
Sporting a casual look, Virat was dressed in a white t-shirt with a teddy bear on it, and brown trousers, along with a pair of shades and white sneakers. He was also carrying a small backpack.
Check out the video here:
The couple were spotted setting off for Alibaug on Sunday afternoon at the same spot. As they were waiting for their speedboat, they were captured by the paps, as well as the onlookers present there, who wasted no time in getting their phones out to click pictures of their favorite celebrity couple.
Check out Virat and Anushka leaving for Alibaug here:
On Monday, Anushka returned to Mumbai from Alibaug, dressed in a black T-shirt and cozy pants, while Virat was missing.
Virat and Anushka arrived in India last week ahead of the India vs England ODI series. After their arrival, the couple visited Premanand Maharaj at his ashram in Vrindavan along with their kids Vamika and Akaay.
During their meeting, Anushka shared her experience, saying, “The last time we came, I had a few questions in my heart. I wanted to ask them, but somehow, someone else asked similar questions.”
She continued, “When we were planning this visit, I had been talking to you in my mind. The next day, I would open Kanti Vartalap and someone would ask the same questions I had. Now, all I want is your blessings, to guide me with love and devotion.”
On the work front, Anushka Sharma was last seen in Zero and in a cameo role in her home production FortAlthough she is on a work sabbatical to raise her children, she has Chakda’Xpressthe biographical film of cricketer Jhulan Goswami.