Amidst the election riots in Delhi, Congress has made a big attack on Aam Aadmi Party. Congress leader Pawan Kheda said that the alcohol-influenced party AAP, which you call the Aam Aadmi Party, we saw how it destroyed a city with international level infrastructure and turned it into a garbage dump. He said that when Manish Nair brought the liquor policy, it was discussed and Narela’s current MLA Sharad Chauhan told Manish (Sisodia) not to do this, liquor shops will open in every area. So Manish said that if we do not do this then where will we get the money to contest the elections, this is what he (Sharad) is saying in the recording.
Pawan Kheda said that now money is coming from Punjab. Earlier it used to come from liquor shops. These are the words of Sharad Chauhan. It has never happened in the history of India that the Chief Minister of any state has committed a scam of national or international level. He said that the people of Delhi will not tolerate this anymore. The people of Delhi do not want a manager of liquor scam. He said that we all have seen how AAP (Alcohol Affected Party) has ruined the entire Delhi through alcohol. We are placing before you an audio, in which an AAP MLA is telling how his own party’s Education Minister and Liquor Minister committed the scam.
He said that Kejriwal used to say that he has medicine for every disease. We did not see medicine, but we did see liquor brokerage, in which the entire government was immersed. He said that this voice is of Narela MLA Sharad Chauhan. While talking to someone, he is telling that when he and Manish Sisodia were sitting together, when Vijay Nair brought the liquor policy. Then he prohibited Manish Sisodia from doing so. Manish Sisodia replied that if this is not done then where will the money to contest elections come from? Sharad Chauhan further said- When we contested elections in Gujarat and Goa, the money came from liquor shops only, now it is coming from Punjab. Sharad Chauhan also told that Manish Sisodia had also offered him a settlement, a plan for which was also made, but he was saved.
Congress State President Devendra Yadav said that Pawan Kheda ji just narrated a clip. It is clear from this clip how much social degradation has taken place under the AAP government. Only after the complaint of Congress, the Deputy CM and Minister of the present AAP government were jailed in this liquor scam and now they are out on bail. The way the AAP government tried to portray its character turned out to be completely false. The difference between their words and actions is clearly visible. This audio of current AAP MLA Sharad Chauhan clearly shows how the liquor scam was carried out by the top leadership of AAP.
He said that in the Delhi liquor scam, the present AAP government has benefited not only the top leadership but also its other associates. During the election campaign we are going door to door in Delhi. Today, unemployment and drug addiction are a big issue among the youth of Delhi. Because of this, our mothers, sisters and their families are troubled, because due to lack of employment the youth are getting attracted towards drugs. This is very worrying for Delhi.