The accused who attacked actor Saif Ali Khan has been arrested by Mumbai Police. Mumbai Police arrested the accused from Thane, Maharashtra on Sunday. The accused has been identified as 30-year-old Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad. It is being told that the accused is a Bangladeshi citizen and was living in Mumbai by changing his identity.
Giving information about the arrest of the accused, DCP Zone 9 Dixit Gedam said, ‘On January 16, at 2 am, actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his house. An FIR has been registered and one accused has been arrested. His name is Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, his age is 30 years. He had entered the house with the intention of robbery. He will be produced in the court and a demand for custody will be made.
The senior officer further said, ‘Prima facie the accused is a Bangladeshi and had changed his name after entering India illegally. He was using Vijay Das as his current name. He came to Mumbai 5-6 months ago. He stayed in Mumbai for a few days and then stayed in the areas around Mumbai. The accused worked in a housekeeping agency.
#WATCH Saif Ali Khan attack case Mumbai: DCP Zone 9 Dixit Gedam says, “Prima facie the accused is a Bangladeshi and after entering India illegally he changed his name. He was using Vijay Das as his current name. He came to Mumbai 5-6 months ago. He stayed in Mumbai for a few…
— ANI (@ANI) January 19, 2025
The officer said that he has also added relevant sections of the Passport Act in the case. He said there was preliminary evidence to suggest that the accused was a Bangladeshi. He does not have valid Indian documents. There are some seizures which indicate that he is a Bangladeshi citizen. As of now, we think the accused has entered (Saif Ali Khan’s) house for the first time. We suspect that the accused is of Bangladeshi origin and hence relevant sections of the Passport Act have been added to the case.
Actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times with a knife by an attacker in his house located on the 12th floor of ‘Satguru Sharan’ building in Bandra on Thursday. Doctors who performed emergency surgery on Saif later removed a 2.5-inch piece of the broken knife from his spine. Doctors said that if the knife had penetrated two millimeters more, serious injury could have occurred.