Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh has received death threats. On November 11, unknown callers demanded a ransom of Rs 50 lakh from him and threatened to kill him if he did not pay. Akshara has lodged a complaint at Danapur police station, and the police are investigating.
By Anurag Mishra
Published Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:39:14 AM (IST)
Updated Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 01:46:12 PM (IST)
- Threatened to kill Akshara if she did not pay the money within two days.
- Akshara is the highest paid actress of Bhojpuri.
- Appeared in popular shows like Bigg Boss and Kaala Teeka.
Entertainment Desk, Indore. Akshara Singh Death Threat: Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh has been threatened with death. The actress has lodged a complaint at Danapur police station. He told that he received a call from an unknown number, in which a ransom of Rs 50 lakh was demanded in abusive language. Threats of death were given if the money was not given.
Let us tell you that film stars are continuously receiving threats. Salman Khan has received death threats several times. Yesterday, Shahrukh Khan had received a similar death threat. Police arrested the accused from Raipur.
If not two 50 lakhs in two days then we will kill you.
The police immediately started investigation after the complaint of the actress. While giving information to the police, the Bhojpuri actress said that on the night of 11th November, at around 12.20 am, she received a call on her phone in which a ransom of Rs 50 lakh was demanded from her. He was asked to give the money within two days. If you don’t give the money, they will kill you.
Police statement in the case
Giving a statement on the matter, the police said that Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh has filed a complaint of death threat. The case is being investigated. We will soon arrest the accused.
Akshara Singh is the highest paid actress of Bhojpuri.
Akshara Singh is a leading actress of Bhojpuri cinema, who is among the highest paid actresses. He started his career with the film Satyamev Jayate and acted in films like Satya, Tabadala, Maa Tujhe Salaam. Akshara has also sung many superhit songs. She has also been a part of reality shows like TV show Kaala Teeka, Service Wali Bahu and Bigg Boss.