The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) have barred financial influencers from using real-time stock prices in their videos. In a circular introducing the new regulation, sebi said that content creators in the field of stock market education could use bills from prices from three months ago INTEAD of RAL-TIME PRICES.
The new rule aims to limit the influence of financial influencers, often referred to as “Finfluencers,” Who offer Stock Market MARKET Advice Without Being officially Registent Advisers. The ban on live market price in educational content is designed to protectors from with potentially Misled Due to Harmful Advice.
Many Finfluencers, Who Aren Son officially registered as investments Advisers, often Give Stock Tips or Market Predictions Based on Live Pries. Sebi emphasized that they should not predict future prisles or give recommendations related to security, adding this could lead to risky decisions or even market manipulation.
Sebi intends to make stock market education more focused on knowledge raather than real-time trading, Reducing the risk of people being misled by unregulated influencers. The new regulation also aims to prevent impulsive investments Driven by Short-Term Market Fluctations. It also mandates influencers to first register with sexy wish to provide stock market advice.
In October, The Sebi Restricted registered entities such as Mutual Fund Distributors, Stock Brokers, Stock Exchanges, and Depositories from Associating with Unregistan.
“Such Person (someone who is engaged soly in education) Y in His/Her Talk/ Speech, Video, Ticker, Screen Share etc.