CM Yogi also announced to provide free smartphones and tablets to the youth of the state. Apart from this, he also revealed the decision to issue municipal bonds for Prayagraj, Varanasi and Agra municipal corporations. This comes after successful bond issuances in Lucknow and Ghaziabad.
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister stressed the state government’s commitment to promoting progress and innovation after holding a special cabinet meeting in Prayagraj. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, he unveiled several impactful decisions aimed at strengthening the state’s healthcare and urban infrastructure. The highlight of the announcements was the approval for the construction of medical colleges in Hathras, Baghpat and Kasganj under the PPP (public-private partnership) model. After the meeting, the entire cabinet took a dip in the Sangam and performed Ganga puja. After the meeting, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that on behalf of the entire Council of Ministers, I welcome all the saints and devotees who have come to Mahakumbh. For the first time, the entire Council of Ministers is present in Mahakumbh. Issues related to the development of the state were discussed.
CM Yogi also announced to provide free smartphones and tablets to the youth of the state. Apart from this, he also revealed the decision to issue municipal bonds for Prayagraj, Varanasi and Agra municipal corporations. This comes after successful bond issuances in Lucknow and Ghaziabad. The CM said these bonds are expected to generate funds to enhance urban infrastructure and ensure sustainable development in these cities. In the press conference, CM Yogi said that various developmental issues including aerospace, defense and employment policy 2024 were discussed. The policy, initially launched in 2018, is now being revised after five years to suit the growing needs. He also talked about FDI investment in the state, emphasizing on major investments worth Rs 10,000 crore in Mirzapur and Moradabad.
The Chief Minister also highlighted the ongoing and future infrastructure projects, including the expansion of the Ganga Expressway, which will connect to the Purvanchal Expressway and integrate with the National Highway connecting Chandauli to Sonbhadra. He emphasized that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with the efforts to connect Lucknow and Rae Bareli to Prayagraj, the traffic management challenges in Prayagraj are being resolved.
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