Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on Tuesday said that the state government is making dedicated efforts to promote sports. Sharma was addressing the closing ceremony of the 37th Dangi-Patel Samaj Sports Competition at Kheda Kanpur in Udaipur on Tuesday.
In an official statement issued here, he said that it is only through patience and discipline that a person can be successful in life and in sports too, patience and discipline are the keys to victory. Sports inculcate a feeling of discipline, hard work, sociality and patriotism. He said that the state government is making dedicated efforts to promote sports in the state.
To create a suitable environment for the promotion of sports at every level, a sports policy is being formulated incorporating sports infrastructure, science, analysis, counseling and nutrition. Along with this, the morale of the players is being boosted by giving them training and encouragement at various levels.
The Chief Minister said that to take the state to the pinnacle of progress in the field of sports, under ‘Mission Olympics’, 50 talented players of the state are being provided world class training, kit, coaching and all other facilities for the Olympic Games. . Players will also be provided facilities as per the ‘Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS)’ scheme of the Central Government.