Share Bazaar News: Investors lost Rs 10.98 lakh crore on Monday amid huge fall in the domestic stock market due to all-round selling. Sensex closed at 77964.99 points with a dive of 1258.12 points or 1.59 percent. At one time during trading it had fallen to 1441.49 points. Apart from the selling, concerns related to the spread of new virus infections also affected business sentiment. At the end of trading, the total market capitalization of these companies stood at Rs 4,38,79,406.58 crore ($5.11 lakh crore).
BSE’s benchmark index Sensex closed at 77,964.99 points, down 1,258.12 points or 1.59 percent. At one time during trading it had fallen to 1,441.49 points. Apart from this, a big decline of 3.17 percent was recorded in the BSE Smallcap index of small companies and 2.44 percent in the Midcap index of medium companies.
ALSO READ: Big fall in Share Bazaar, Sensex dived by 1258 points, Nifty also fell.
This all-round selling caused a loss of Rs 10,98,723.54 crore to the combined market capitalization of companies listed on BSE in one stroke. At the end of trading, the total market capitalization of these companies stood at Rs 4,38,79,406.58 crore ($5.11 lakh crore).
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According to analysts, apart from deepening apprehensions about the quarterly results of companies and selling by foreign institutional investors, concerns related to the spread of new virus infection also affected the business sentiment. (Language)
Edited By : Chetan Gour