Aam Aadmi Party’s national convenor and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been attacked while campaigning in the New Delhi assembly constituency. AAP sources have accused BJP candidate from this seat, Pravesh Verma, that his ‘goons’ attacked Kejriwal. After the attack, AAP took to social media platform X and blamed BJP. It said that the attack took place due to fear and panic of BJP’s defeat.
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You wrote on X that BJP got nervous due to fear of defeat, got its goons to attack Arvind Kejriwal. While campaigning, the goons of BJP candidate Pravesh Verma attacked Arvind Kejriwal with bricks and stones and tried to hurt him so that he could not campaign. People of BJP, Kejriwal ji is not afraid of your cowardly attack, the people of Delhi will give you a befitting reply.
AAP’s national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar said that today again Arvind Kejriwal, who was campaigning in the New Delhi Assembly, was attacked by BJP goons with stones. When Pravesh Verma was campaigning in the ground there, he was stunned to see that even after distributing so much money, he was doing all the black work. The public is with Arvind Kejriwal. This attack is extremely condemnable. The Election Commission does not want peaceful elections in the New Delhi Assembly. Its eyes are closed. Immediate action should be taken on this. I hope the Election Commission will open its eyes. I hope the eyes of Delhi Police will be opened.
However, targeting Kejriwal and AAP, Pravesh Verma has said that his convoy had moved ahead crushing the leg of the BJP worker and he was going to the hospital. He said that Arvind Kejriwal’s car has moved ahead crushing the BJP worker. The BJP worker has broken his leg and I am going to Lady Hardinge Medical College to inquire about his health. This is very shameful.
Read this also: AAP accused of stopping the screening of documentary on Kejriwal, Delhi Police responded
Notably, Kejriwal is contesting from New Delhi Assembly constituency and BJP has fielded Parvesh Verma, son of former Delhi CM Saheb Singh Verma. Before the assembly elections, the dispute between the two leaders has increased and the round of accusations and counter-accusations against each other is going on. Voting for Delhi Assembly elections is to be held on February 5. Counting of votes and declaration of results will take place on February 8.