Former Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, who delivered the verdict on the Ayodhya Ram temple dispute, has now called the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC) a “very important” step towards national integration and social justice and called for building consensus before its implementation. Emphasized the need for. Rajya Sabha member Gogoi, while supporting the idea of ’one nation, one election’ at ‘Surat Litfest 2025’ in Surat city of Gujarat on Sunday, said that frequent elections affect governance, put pressure on administration and finances. . The former Chief Justice said, “I see the Uniform Civil Code as a very progressive law which will replace various traditional practices which have become law.” Gogoi said there is no debate that This is a constitutional goal and is enumerated in Article 44. Gogoi said that if the UCC is implemented, it will lead to uniform personal law for all citizens, irrespective of their faith.
Let us tell you that this will apply to matters like marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance and maintenance. Uniform Civil Code in India has been a major agenda of successive election manifestos of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Former Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said during a session, “I think this is a very important step towards national integration to achieve social justice, and we should be clear on one thing – it has to do with the practice of religion.” There is no conflict with Articles 25 and 26 relating to the Constitution.” During the session, Gogoi discussed various issues with Prafulla Ketkar, editor of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) mouthpiece ‘Organiser’.
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Gogoi said that UCC is working brilliantly in Goa. He said there was a need to “build consensus and stop misinformation”. According to the former Chief Justice, UCC has nothing to do with religion. He said that the Supreme Court also said in five cases ranging from Shah Bano case to the right of Muslim women to demand maintenance that the government should consider it. He said the Uniform Civil Code is a way to unify the country and deal with the pendency due to various laws governing civil and personal matters affecting social justice. “But I would request the government and MPs not to rush into action,” he said. Build consensus. Tell the people of this country what UCC really is. When you build consensus, people will understand. A section of people will never understand, they will pretend not to understand.” On the ‘One Nation, One Election’ proposal, Gogoi said that former President Ramnath Kovind had sought the opinion of 4-5 former Chief Justices including him and they had The idea was supported.