Priyanka Chopra was recently spotted on the set in Canada where the Jonas Brothers are shooting for their upcoming holiday film under the Disney banner. This led to speculations that the actress is collaborating with the band in the film. But is it true?
According to a report by E! News,it is!
The publication stated that the actress will be sharing screen space with her husband, Nick Jonas, and his brothers, Joe and Kevin Jonas, and the movie is scheduled to release in 2025 end.
The same report also stated that the yet-to-be-titled film went on floors on January 13 in Toronto.
The fan page by Patty Cardona, which runs by the username jerryxmim, posted a series of pictures from the set. One series which captures Priyanka walking on the set was captioned as, “Priyanka on set of the Jonas Brothers Holidays movie of Disney+. She is in Netflix as Executive Producer, in Amazon as Actress and Producer and now Disney+ for Christmas joyful movie too, 2025 comes in full force for us from start to end.”
Check out the pictures here:
In the other series of pictures, Priyanka and Nick are seen walking while it’s snowing, with the caption as, “Priyanka and Nick on set of the Jonas Brothers new Christmas movie in Toronto, Canada.”
Check out the pictures here:
Coming to Priyanka’s upcoming projects, she will share the screen with Idris Elba and John Cena in Ilya Naishuller’s action comedy, titled Heads of StateShe will also be seen in the action film by Frank E Flower, The Bluffalong with Karl Urban.