Choudhary said that Rahul Gandhi, who used to praise the Constitution, has himself become a threat to the Constitution. They consider not only the caste census of Bihar, but even the decisions of the country’s Election Commission, EVMs, Parliament and Legislative Assemblies to be fake.
Patna. Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Chaudhary said that before commenting on the caste census of Bihar, Rahul Gandhi should explain why the caste census which was conducted by the Karnataka government by spending Rs 160 crore in 2016, was not released even after 8 years. When will Congress conduct caste census in Himachal Pradesh and Telangana?
Choudhary said that Rahul Gandhi, who used to praise the Constitution, has himself become a threat to the Constitution. They consider not only the caste census of Bihar, but even the decisions of the country’s Election Commission, EVMs, Parliament and Legislative Assemblies to be fake. He said that if the caste census of Karnataka is not fake, then why does Rahul Gandhi not show the courage to release it? Under whose pressure was the census report not released after the date of January 15 was fixed?
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