The official said that after taking a dip at Triveni Ghat, the Chief Minister worshiped Mother Ganga and also performed Abhishek of Lord Mahadev with milk and Ganga water. He told that Sharma also visited Bade Hanumanji temple.
Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma took bath in Triveni Sangam and offered prayers at Mahakumbh on Sunday morning. An official on the Sangam bank here said that Sharma reached Rajasthan Pavilion located in Sector 7 of the fair area late on Saturday night. He visited Triveni Sangam by boat in the morning.
The official said that after taking a dip at Triveni Ghat, the Chief Minister worshiped Mother Ganga and also performed Abhishek of Lord Mahadev with milk and Ganga water. He told that Sharma also visited Bade Hanumanji temple.
The official said that he praised Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for organizing the Maha Kumbh and congratulated him for the efficient conduct of the Kumbh. Earlier, Chief Minister Sharma was welcomed by Uttar Pradesh Minister Nand Gopal Nandi at Prayagraj airport late on Saturday night, after which he visited the Rajasthan pavilion built at Mahakumbh. During this, the Chief Minister also met the devotees from different districts of Rajasthan.
Disclaimer: Prabhasakshi has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.
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