Mohammed Shariful Islam Shahzad, 30, accused of attacking Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, has been sent to five-day police custody by a Mumbai court. After his arrest on Sunday, the accused was produced in the Bandra vacation court, where he was sent to Mumbai Police custody till January 24.
While granting the custody of the accused to the police, the court said, ‘The accused is a citizen of Bangladesh. The possibility of an international conspiracy cannot be called impossible. Therefore, adequate time should be given to the investigating officer. Therefore, 5 days police custody is being given.
Also read: Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case. Akash Kanojia, who was detained from Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh, was released by Mumbai Police after interrogation.
The accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad was arrested from Thane, Mumbai on Sunday. The police presented the accused in the Bandra vacation court at 1.30 pm. The police sought 14 days’ custody, which was opposed by the defense lawyer.
During the court hearing, the investigating officer defended the demand for 14-day custody. He said, ‘Saif Ali Khan suffered serious injuries in which a knife entered his body. We have to investigate how the accused entered the actor’s house and what was his motive behind the attack. He is a Bangladeshi citizen and it is important to find out how he entered the country. We need 14 days custody.
Defense counsel opposed 14-day custody. He said, ‘The matter is being unnecessarily blown out of proportion because Saif Ali Khan is involved in it. Otherwise, it would have been treated as a normal case. The reasons for detention were not clearly stated in the remand application. The accused is a young boy with no prior criminal record and is being made a scapegoat. According to the defense, the accused is not aware of the details of the case.
Also read: Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: The accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan arrested, police suspect that he is a Bangladeshi citizen.
After hearing the arguments of both the parties, the court said, ‘The investigation is in its initial stage and the accused has been arrested today itself. Therefore, the grounds for seeking remand for a substantial period of investigation are justified. The ground of illegality in the arrest raised by the defense counsel appears to be without any solid argument.