Police have arrested two people for their involvement in ATM fraud in Delhi-NCR. A police officer gave this information on Saturday. According to the police, the accused have been identified as Ankush (28), resident of Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, and Bidnesh (41), resident of New Sanjay Colony, Delhi.
Ankush and Bidnesh are relatives. Police said that based on intelligence information, the accused were arrested near Gandhi Nagar Pusta Road on Friday. Police have also recovered tools used in the crime, including cutters, adhesive tape and steel plates.
The investigation into the matter began after a bank complained that money was deducted from their accounts, but the cash was never withdrawn from the ATM. Police identified a suspicious vehicle through CCTV footage, which led them to the suspects.
Police said that during interrogation, the duo uncovered a complex scam involving tampering of ATM machines. The accused used adhesive tape and plywood to block the cash tray of the ATM machine and cut the sensor wires, due to which the bank could not receive the alert. Police said that the accused then used to withdraw the money stuck in the ATM machine.