Defense Minister Rajnath Singh reached Akhnoor in Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday to celebrate Veterans Day with ex-servicemen of the armed forces. During this, Rajnath Singh said that the remaining distances between hearts in Kashmir and other parts of the country should also end. He said that I want to congratulate Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for the steps being taken in this direction. After coming to power, we have brought our efforts to the grassroots level. Kashmir is dear to us and it does not need much explanation.
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Rajnath said that the top priority of our government is to bridge the gap that exists between Kashmir and the rest of the country. Steps are being taken in this direction by Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. He said that the celebration of Veterans Day in Akhnoor proves that the place that Delhi has in our hearts, is the same place for Akhnoor, Kashmir. Addressing the 9th Armed Forces Veterans Day, CM Omar Abdullah said that you are those people who sacrificed everything for the country. Who did not worry about their future or life and were ready to make sacrifices to protect the country and did so.
Omar Abdullah said that now it is our duty to serve you. It is our duty to make sure you are paid by making sure you are comfortable. We will try our best to ensure that reservation in recruitment is fully utilized, you get all the financial assistance required under the schemes without any hindrance. I have no hesitation in saying that Satish Sharma, son of a retired soldier, is helping me in my cabinet and both of us are trying our best to serve you.
Speaking at the 9th Armed Forces Veterans Day event, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Upendra Dwivedi said that today is a special day as we get the opportunity to honor all those brave warriors who dedicated their valuable time in the service of this nation. Is. You all are a source of inspiration for our society and nation. Today our country is moving rapidly towards its goal of developed India. To achieve this goal, commitment of every citizen is necessary.
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He said that efforts are being made to actively establish the recognition of the Army before the state governments. There are several aspects of this effort that need to be pursued in parallel. Firstly, how the State can benefit by involving ex-servicemen in its operations and secondly, to establish a complete relationship of recognition and contribution which will create a win-win situation for both the ex-servicemen and the State Government. Such action is also being considered at the district level.