Vivo Y29 5G smartphone has been launched in India. Talking about the features of the smartphone, it will have 50MP main camera, 5500mAh battery and 44W fast charging facility. Vivo Y29 5G smartphone will be given IP64 dust and water resistant rating. It will be provided with military grade shock resistant. The smartphone comes with military grade durability and IP64 rating.
Talking about other features, the phone will have a 50MP primary camera sensor. Also, 0.08MP QVGA secondary camera support will be available. Also, as processor support, MediaTek Dimensity 6300 processor can be provided in the phone. The phone will come with LED flash light. Also, aura light can be given in it. The phone will have an 8MP camera sensor for selfies and video calling.
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Camera modes like AI Photo Enhance, AI Eraser will be available in the phone. The phone will come with 120Hz refresh rate support. It will provide smooth visuals and gaming experience. The phone will come in LCD display. Also, 1000 nits support will be provided for brightness.
The price of 4 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant of Vivo Y29 5G smartphone is Rs 13,999. The price of 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant is Rs 15,499. The 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant of the phone will come for Rs 16,999, while the price of 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage variant is Rs 18,999. The phone will come in three color variants Glacier Blue, Titanium Gold and Diamond Black. Many offers will also be available on purchase of smartphone.